Senior Leadership Team

Farah Ahmed

Founder, Chair of Trustees and Director of Education and Research

Farah Ahmed is the Chair of Governors and Director of Education and Research at Shakhsiyah Schools. Farah works closely with the Executive Headteacher and Senior Leadership team to enact the schools vision and objectives.

Farah Ahmed is Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. She co-convenes the Intercultural and Conflict-transformation Dialogue’ strand of the Cambridge Educational Dialogue Research group. Her current project is: Rethinking Islamic education for British Muslim children: a philosophical investigation of dialogue in Islamic educational theory and an empirical study trialling dialogic pedagogy in UK madrasahs (supplementary schools). Farah has published widely on Islamic education and has worked for nineteen years on research driven curriculum development and teacher education for Muslim teachers.

Ziaur Rahman

Executive Headteacher, Shakhsiyah Schools

Ziaur Rahman is the Executive Headteacher of Shakhsiyah Schools. Ziaur works closely with the Headteachers in both schools providing leadership and management support. Ziaur reports directly to the School Trustees. Currently Ziaur is also acting as the Headteacher of Shakhsiyah School London while the school looks to appoint a new Headteacher.

Ziaur Rahman has worked in Educational leadership and management for almost two decades. His roles have included Headteacher of two independent schools in London and Senior Lead Practitioner for the leading academy chain the UK. Over the course of his career, Ziaur has developed a sound understanding of pedagogy in an international context having also worked as the Deputy Head Teacher of an International School in the United Arab Emirates. He has delivered numerous teacher training programmes in the UK and abroad and had the opportunity to work with Stanford University and the British Council on international partnership projects. He has also acquired over a decade of charity leadership experience having led two non-for-profit organizations in the UK and abroad.

Sajeada Ahmed

Acting-Head Teacher, Shakhsiyah School Slough

Sajeada Ahmed was appointed Acting-Head Teacher of Shakhsiyah Slough School in September 2021. Sajeada previously led the Early Years programme for over 19 years. Her commitment to ensuring a holistic implementation of our Islamic and homeschooling ethos is evident in the practices adopted from the Sunnah in our Primary and Early Years provision. Sajeada has developed our model of tarbiyah, centring the unique individual characteristics of each child through play based learning. Under Sajeada’s leadership our Early Years work has been recognised as 'Outstandin'g.

Nadia Ameen

Deputy Head Teacher and Head of Arabic

Nadia Ameen is a founding trustee of Islamic Shakhsiyah Foundation, Deputy Head Teacher and Head of Arabic at Shakhsiyah Schools. She has led the development of the unique Shakhsiyah Arabic Curriculum and trains and leads our team of Arabic teachers. Nadia has a BA in Linguistics and over twenty years of experience in education.