
Our principle of Taqdeer underpins all areas of assessment in our Early Years provision. The Early Years Pedagogy at our schools aims to empower and support children so that they may become powerful learners. Our Ustadha't (teachers and practitioners) possess an in-depth understanding of how children mature over time. They are therefore experienced in assessing children and supporting them to learn new skills through play, peer to peer interaction and a close partnership with parents.

On-going formative assessment is at the heart of our early years practice. At Shakhsiyah, our Early Years practitioners:

• Observe children as they act and interact in their play, everyday activities and planned activities, and learn from parents about what the child does at home (observation).

• Consider the examples of development in the columns headed ‘Unique Child: observing what children can do’ to help identify where the child may be in their own developmental pathway (assessment).

• Consider ways to support the child to strengthen and deepen their current learning and development, reflecting on guidance.

• Where appropriate, use the development statements to identify possible areas in which to challenge and extend the child’s current learning and development (planning).